Sunday, May 26, 2013

MY LIFE STORY PART V - The Blessings as an OFW

First time on an Air Plane,
From Manila, Philippines to Saudi Arabia as an OFW
  On the early morning of April 16, 2007
at around 5:00 am at Jeddah Airport in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia boarded in a Saudia Airline international flight coming from Manila, Philippines. The aircraft perfectly hit the runway and landed safely in the airport ground. I thank the Lord silently with a short prayer and asked Him to guide me in this new world of challenge.
        As I walk off the plane, a strange feeling of excitement being my first time in a foreign land as an OFW. A little bit nervous but less worried because I have a buddy also hired by the same company. Checking out from the airport's immigration, we had immediately seen the Logo of Saudi Cable Company with our name attached. At first, we're  uncertain to approach the person but no other choice. Then, the company driver brought us to the company's accommodation in less than an hour. We first took our rest then reported to the company on the following day.
This is the first company I worked abroad
Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
     April 17, 2007 was my first day at work in Saudi Cable Company in Jeddah, KSA.  I woke up early, fixed my self after breakfast then proceed to our company service bus. Inside the bus, I was so relief that fellow "kababayans" heartily welcomes a greenhorn like us. Some gave us tips about the company and cultures of Muslim Saudi citizens. Others shared their experiences during their stay in the kingdom. I enjoyed our trip on the way to the company while observing places, events, people, houses and other strange  things I've never seen in my entire life. 
Drum Twister Machine in a Cable Manufacturing Company

          The bus arrived at the company premises  exactly before office hours at eight in the morning. We immediately proceed to HR Office for usual briefing and company orientation.  All our documents were confirmed and surrendered to the employer for further processing of residential permit or IQAMA then undergone physical examination as the last process. Finally, we're now physically fit for our new job. 
          I was interviewed by my immediate superior the next day.  He was the Maintenance Manager of Telecom Plant and as the Project Manager for expansion projects of Saudi Cable Company. He was an Arabic speaking Egyptian nationality  & speaks English fluently.  My working visa was a mechanical technician but out of the blue during my interview, he asked me about mechanical designs and computations. I was surprised but at the back of my mind was excited and cheerful about it. Then, assigned me as the Project Engineer  on Mechanical works who will be responsible in Mechanical Engineering Designs & Computations for the company's expansion projects.  I did some computations on Machine Foundations, HVAC (include chillers, exhaust fans, ducting, heat exchangers and other cooling system), piping calculation and estimation,  finalized scope of works in mechanical projects, monitor and supervise the implementation of the approved mechanical designs, interprets proposed drawings of contractors and other engineering works which I never experienced at my home land. It's a wonderful experience,  what I learned in college were now applied in my job. Perhaps blessing in disguise that  I brought my favorite mechanical book (PSME Code) and notes during my college days. So to speak, everything runs smoothly with few normal misunderstood work related issues especially with my boss but surpassed all of them.
          After a year, my life undergone a rapid changed. I became more comfortable and confident on myself. My financial obligations way back home were all resolved instantly. My balances for the monthly amortization of my rent to own house were all completed and  even transferred  into a loaned house under my name. In other words, I was financially recovered. My compensation was not that satisfying but it doesn't matter at this point in time because new knowledge and gaining actual experiences were most profitable than anything else for a neophyte like me working abroad. I never forgot the feelings of my first time to receive a full salary amount of not less than a 20, 000 pesos per month compared to my previous work in my hometown. I can't imagine it was so real that I'm starting a new chapter of my life having a total change. My frustrated visions in life regained in a span of less than a year. 
             But behind those happy moments there are still challenges comes along my way. God gave us challenge to make us strong & a complete person. At this point in my career, I became more aggressive and strong but unsatisfied as a normal human being. 
                      More details on these on the next chapter of my life. I hope you don't miss the present status of my life. May God bless us all.


Aluminum Rod Rolling Mill where I started
as a Mechanical Technician
       I was satisfied with my job as a Mechanical / Preventive Maintenance Technician in a Cable Manufacturing Company since it was related to my profession as a Mechanical Engineer.
Mechanical Technician
 I spent my eight years (1996 - 2004) in this company from which I am enjoying the benefits of a regular employee. I became active in Labor Union Organizations as the Secretary of the group. Actually, I hated being a Union Officer but due to companionship and friendly attitude I accepted the position. In spite of that, I successfully did my part as the Secretary from which the Company Management recognized our organization.

 I had lost my professional ambition because as of this time my basic concerns were concentrated as a Union Officer. Sometimes, my work as a Technician of the company suffers due to different priorities whether for the people or for the company. I am lucky that my buddies in the maintenance section were very supportive and understand my situation. During my early years in this company, I've met some friends who understands me while others don’t care. I don’t blame anybody here since no one controlling my own life except me. My life outside the company was still the same up to the middle of 2001. More than half of my body was still in a mud and it seems that I can’t get out of it. I keep on denying every accusations that I’m still a drug user and hiding beyond the truth. By this time, my life was getting worse and friends were starting to leave me. They tried to save me but still don’t care. Due to some issues concerning my personal life, I transferred from apartment to another several times until I finally settled for a Rent-to-Own House by Pag-Ibig Housing Program through the encouragement of a certain trusted friend. In spite of everything, I want a new life but I don’t know still how to start and why I can’t resist the temptations of drugs. Maybe because I’m afraid of being alone since most of my trusted friends were already far away from me. It’s very long way before I realized that I have to end the world of drugs.
Became a Company Labor Union Leader
as Union Secretary
Until one day, I rise up from a good sleep and found myself changing my clothes for whatever reasons that I have volunteered myself to go to an early morning mass. It was clear that time in my mind that the game is over. I have to end my darkest days before it’s too late. So then, this was the start of my new life.
         After this event, an election of officers for the Company Employees Credit Cooperative was being conducted from where I participated as a candidate (Board Member) but I was not lucky. Then, the operation continues until the Chairman of the Board was forced to resign due to Union Issues against the Company and banned in entering the company premises. The Coop. operation was disrupted and approval of loans were delayed. In that case the General Membership decided to replace the Chairman of the Board through another election. Then, I filed my candidacy as the Chairman of the Board. This time most of my friends were in doubt due to my personal history. They were afraid that I cannot handle the organization but I firmly stand on my decision. There were some against but due to my influence as a Union Secretary I got the position and won the election. From then on, my darkest hour was getting brighter every day. And this time, I concentrated on the operation of both the Union and Cooperative as well as the function of a Mechanical Technician. I admit there were still some temptations but I am now learning to resist. My life was starting to move on and the Cooperative was getting stronger when suddenly the Management decided to close the company due to severe losses as have been declared. Likewise, the union and employee’s cooperative automatically dissolved. My supposed start of a new life suddenly freeze due to unexpected closure of our company.
          Life must go on and find another job. All my friends and employees of the company go on separate ways. Some tried their luck abroad and others stayed to serve the country. From April 2004 to December 2006, I worked from different companies as a Mechanical Technician (Electronics Company), Maintenance Foreman (Japanese Company), Warehouse Supervisor (Stainless Steel Company) and Maintenance Shop Supervisor (Forklift-TCM Trading Company). I have found a new world, new experiences and met another circle of friends with those companies but nothing improve in my life except getting away with drugs. At this time, at least I’m living in a drug free community. Being a drug free person was already a big change in my life but this time I was financially down. I am still paying my cash advances to some of my friends as well as my monthly amortization of my house. From the last quarter of 2006 to the first quarter of 2007 was the most financial crisis ever happened to me. I experienced here eating from the house of my friends almost every day. I resigned from my last job December 2006 due to unfair treatment of my manager. During this time, I decided to apply abroad and finally hired by Saudi Cable Company in Jeddah, KSA due to help and full support of my closest friends. I applied as a Mechanical Technician and hired but  when I arrived I was assigned as a Project Engineer under the Mechanical and Utility Section.
          My heartfelt thanks to some of my trusted friends who never gave up and help me all through the years of never ending challenges in my life. And during those days, I enjoyed my work in Saudi Arabia and start my life all over again. 
         Now, all I can say; "If there's a will, there's a way and don't be afraid of turning back to HIM. He knows what is best for us. God gave us trials just to test our faith. Just always remember that He is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE."


        After more than two years in my first job, the plant was already in operation and additional construction works nearly completed. I was assigned as the Production Records and Control Assistant (PRCA) from which directly reporting to the Production Manager. Barracks inside were already demolished and nobody allowed to stay-in except the assigned Officer of the Night. And it’s time to move out from the plant and stayed in a boarding house.
           I left the company after almost 3 years of service but still lived in Cavite  and stayed at the same boarding house. I applied in an Aluminum Factory as an operator/helper and casual employee for 5 months. During that time, I don’t have any choice but to accept any kind of work just to survive. I experienced here a heavy and difficult job. It was very far away from my profession but I need to do it since I am living on my own. I have given my best at work hoping to be a regular employee in this company but it’s not worth it. My contract with the company ended. Then, unemployed for more than 2 months. So, financially, I experienced some difficulties. I was not able to pay the rent of my house for 3 months. I also experienced here eating at least once a day but due to some good friends I survived. I never stop applying for a job until one day a newly ongoing constructed Department Store in Cavite called me for a final interview. And so, I got my 3rd job as a Warehouseman and having a chance to be the supervisor but due to a better opportunity I resigned after 1-1/2 months. 
Favorite Hang-out:  For the Boys & Videoke Bar
           Meanwhile, during those days I’ve met a new set of friends. We have some drinking (liquor) sessions outside and inside my apartment together with my old friends. We often go out during the night and sing along in some videoke bars. We also have some fun with those bar girls and dating them once in a while. It’s just normal that we have to experience all of these especially for a bachelor like me until one time during my 25th birthday that an incident happened in my apartment that I could never forget. This was the worst nightmare in my entire life.
My Friend during my down fall; shabu, cigarette,
drinking sessions and beer houses
       It was morning of June 24, 2005, one of my friend came to me and borrowed the key for my apartment in preparation of my birthday celebration in the afternoon. As a casual employee, I cannot afford to be absent in my new job. After working hours, I went home full of excitement knowing that everything was done for my birthday party. Visitors and friends came to greet me as usual. After eating, usual drinking and a little bit chatting then went home but others stayed for drinking sessions. As the evening getting late, most of us were already drunk and didn't expect that one of my friend was a DRUG USER. Before that, I went out with my other friend to buy beers then returned after less than an hour. I noticed my bedroom was closed and I wonder why, so I asked them what’s going on inside. At first, they denied it but I was already angry. I went directly to my room only to find out that POT SESSION was on going. One of my close friend was there and asked an apology. Since I am a friendly person and don’t want to finish my birthday with hatred so then apology accepted. Suddenly, I found myself joining them. And I discovered that it’s good the first time using such prohibited drugs which was called "SHABU". The drinking session continues until dawn but we end up sleepless because of this drug awakening night. Since I don’t have any sleep, it’s my first time to be absent in my work.
           After a week, that incident happened again and again and again and keeps on repeating every week then twice, then thrice or even four times a week until I am finally hooked with this drugs. Now that I found a new messy world of drugs, I encourage some of my friends and many times I bought for our use. After using drugs, we do some bar hopping and sing along in videoke bars. We always going home at dawn sleepless but we have to take again drugs to get ourselves alert all day long. Then, I am starting to enjoy the company of drug addicts. And this is just the beginning of my messy world.
          But I have in mind that life must go on and continue working. My ambitions in life still there but hanging in the air. I have some difficulties now reaching my goals. So, after my resignation in a Department Store, I immediately got a new job in Wires and Cable Manufacturing Company as a Mechanical Technician.  But sad to say, I admit that during my  final interview with this company, I was high on drugs. I am very lucky that I handled the situation professionally and enough to be hired. And here I’ve met again another set of friends hoping that my personal life will change, but instead, it worsen my situation. Due to influence of drugs, I found myself having a wrong escapade considering that this was the saddest and lowest part of my life. Sometime during the night when I am alone at my room having high on drugs, I got so much thinking about my life, self pity, how to get out from drugs and many others. I have some wrong moves against my will that I have done in my entire life. I lost my loving family, some of my closest friends and all material things that I’ve produced. Identity Crisis at this stage of my life was bothering me due to different emotions wrapped around my personalities and I can’t understand where I belong. I am ashamed of presenting myself to my family. There are some true friends concerned about me but keeps on ignoring them or even hating them because I felt they interfere in my own personal life. I don’t want them to penetrate my own style of living but at the back of my mind I knew they were right. At this point in time I am considering now the word CHANGE but don’t know how to start. Many times I attempted to change my life but I cannot get out from the dark due to strong evil forces that driving my mind to continue such evil things. I don’t have the power to resist those temptations. Everything in me was already gone until I discovered myself crying and kneeling infront of the Lord asking forgiveness and guidance.
          "Here I am, Oh Lord, down at your feet seeking forgiveness. Please guide me and protect me from darkness. I am weak so please give me strength. You light up my life that I can go the right way and deserve to have a second chance."

MY LIFE STORY PART II - My Life After College

Logo of Philippine Regulation Commission,
UE Recto & España, Manila

 After graduation, I immediately took a review for my Licensure Examination then went back to my hometown for at least a month rest. Before taking up my Board Examinations, I had already some job applications with different companies and series of interviews but I was still unfortunate. Sometime in Rainy October, 1992 was the day of our Board Examination at University of the East-Manila.  Everybody was excited but the tensions are floating in the air especially upon entering the examination room. It was a very strange feeling and experience since passing a Licensure Examination is the first step to full stardom as a Certified Mechanical Engineer.
          The examination was divided into three categories; General Mathematics (40%), Design of Machine Elements (30%) and Power Plant Engineering Design (30%). It took an eight long hours to finish the test. And you were allowed to bring as many Mechanical Engineering text books for your reference but only four books can be brought in front of your seat. You were allowed to change text book as often as you want provided it will be asked permission and checked by the examiner. Scientific Calculator was also allowed but it should be scanned by the examiner before using it. This is the system of Licensure Examination during our time.
          After six months of waiting the result, it was come to my disappointment that I failed the exam. The passing grade during that time was 70% but I got a very disappointing 69%. I only passed one category which is the General Mathematics (77%) but not enough to cover the other two categories which are 67% and 60% respectively. It was considered to be my first major down fall because my hardships for more than five years was gone with the wind. It was almost two days of sleepless nights and not even ate for at least a day. It really hurt me too much and I can’t afford to stand on my conscience because of the hard earned money that my parents spent for me to school. It took more than a week to recover for this first major failure in my life. My parents asked me if I want to review again but I declined them, instead, I forced myself to get a job and decided to take a second shot at my own expense. 
Paper Mills Company
          Life should move on and keep going as time passes by. I continue applying to different companies and still not lucky for two months until one company called me for a final interview. It was a paper manufacturing company from where one of my aunt was working. The company will be having an expansion in Cavite where I was assigned. I applied as a Staff Engineer. I passed all the company requirements as well as series of exams and interviews. So, then I got my first job. 
My working career started in a Paper Mills Company

  My professional career started in Dasmariñas Paper Mills Incorporated (DPMI) in Sitio Bucal, Dasmariñas, Cavite as a Staff Engineer. The company during that time was under construction. The site was still undeveloped. Paper Machineries from abroad were not yet arrived. The site was very far from our home in Manila so I stayed in at the "barracks" for a week then went home during weekend. Due to work requirement, I stayed inside the company all days and nights to monitor the construction works and in-charge in the night operation. The company assigned me as the Highest Ranking Officer during the night and holidays with additional allowances and benefits for more than 3 months. 
Paper Machines (Dryers, Coach Rolls....etc)
         In this company, everything in my part was a first time. It was the first time that I am controlling my own life. It’s my first time also to drink some alcoholic drinks and having friends with different types of people from all walks of life. Since most of the time I was the highest officer of the night, I can freely do what I want during the night. Here in my first job, I learned that Too Much Companionship or "Sobrang Pakikisama" makes other people abusive. Due to my friendly attitudes, I can control all of them in a way that they become my friends and even the company guards were at my side. I felt I am uncontrollable every night. I can do whatever I want since I knew that all of them were on my side and protecting me even though against my will and the company. Beside some bad moves, I did not forget my job responsibilities to the company and never lost their trust in me.
          There was an incident that I had proved that TRUST given to me by the company. It was a Holy Week vacation and the management assigned me to stay as a Resident Engineer. So, I spent my long week vacation in the plant. One holiday morning, the guard called me by radio that a visitor was outside the plant. At first, I didn’t care since I had instructed the guard that nobody will be allowed to get inside without any official business or authorization from the management. Then after a few minutes, the guard came to my office and told me that those people on a car are forcing them to open the gate and according to them they were the owner of the company. So I went to the gate and faced them in a professional and gentle manner. I explained to them the policy of the company but still insisting to enter the plant without showing any authorization papers because they were the alleged owner. Then after some hot discussions, one of them called one of the top managers of the company and let him spoke to me. It was then that I knew that these people were not just the stock holders but the owner of the company. Well, it was very shameful but proud of it because I had done a good job. I gave them the usual respect and ordered the guards to escort them until they left the plant. The following working days in a meeting with the managers, they had congratulated me for a job well done and it was worth the TRUST they've given me.
          After three years of honest service to the company, I resigned for a personal reason that I wanted to explore my knowledge and to gain more experiences in the Field of  Mechanical Engineering. I’m still young that time that I wanted to grow. So, I can say that this company was one of my major foundations and stepping stone towards the success of my chosen career. I learned a lot from this company and developed myself as a strong person that can now stand alone and face any realities of life.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

MY LIFE STORY PART I - In the Beginning

Map of Abra and nearby Provinces
Somewhere in the Northern part of the Philippines where the province of Abra was situated; a little but peaceful barrio in the town of Bangued named Agtangao wherein an adopted cute and healthy little boy lived with his loving known parents. He was born on June 24, 1970. His full name was Florencio Balido Pias and called him “Loring” as his nickname and as he grew older then later called him “Enciong” up to the present. It was in that small barrio where I spent my childhood days up to my teenage years. During my childhood, I have already realized that I was an adopted son and there was one time they introduced my real parents. And that was the time wherein curiosity struck into my mind. I have to dig deeper into it from where I belong then learn to accept what is the real score. In spite of that, I still love my Foster Parents and enjoyed my life with them. I always consider them as my real parents for the fact that my biological mother was a niece of my known father. I don’t have any complains nor doubts because they really treated me as their one and only child. God knows I love them so much until the end of time.
This is now Abra Provinical Hospital where I was born

          In my own way with parent’s consent, I have to leave my province to finish a college career in the Philippine’s Capital City, Manila. I settled free of charge in my beloved aunt’s house together with my Second Cousins (now a certified Doctor and a Nurse) somewhere in Quezon City within more than 5 years. My aunt helped us in terms of financial needs during those college days. She was very kind but highly disciplinarian. She guided us in every moves pertaining to our studies. She was very supportive to every decisions we’ve made in such a way passing through her standard.
Me & My Loving Foster Parents (up)
My Class Picture  with my Beloved Teachers (down)
(AES Teachers, Left to Right; Mrs. Cacho, Miss Bringas, Mrs. Bersamin,
Mr. Ringpis, Mrs. Bringas, Mrs. Belisario, Miss Bigornia and Mrs. Pimentel)
during Grade VI in Agtangao Elementary School.
I was late in going to Manila for any Entrance Examinations to some prestigious schools and universities. I took an entrance test in Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) but the result was not worth for an engineering course, instead, a BS in Commerce. School days were just around the corner and have no time to find another schools. 
My Alma Matters
Divine Word College of Bangued  - High School
Feati University - BSME (1st Year Only)
Adamson University - BSME (graduated)
 Fortunately, Feati University (FU) has no entrance examination during that time  so here I enrolled Freshman with Bachelor of Science  in Mechanical Engineering as my degree. In fairness to the university, it was one of the top universities in the country during the 60’s up to the late 80’s but due to uncontrollable fraternity organizations  associated with rumbles and frequent killings inside the campus then the school reaches to its lowest point. It was then that student population of the school decreases.  
          On the other hand, recruiting neophyte members were openly happening inside and outside university campus to join fraternity organization. And in my case, they encouraged me to join but turned it down several times until to a point of threatening and intimidating me. They often waiting outside my classroom to go with them and meet their fraternity president. I almost giving up but due to my strong determination and faith in the Lord brought me to safety. Everyday before entering the university, I always enter Santa Cruz Church to pray for God's powerful protection and it's worth it.  
Santa Cruz Church - this is the place where I spent
my time before entering Feati University Campus

          It was a big problem for the freshmen like us pressuring to join the organization. Poor students from provinces were primary victims of recruitment whose only purpose is to finish college successfully. Joining such organization was not a problem provided it was recognized by the school and having an objective to develop yourself as a better person. Mostly, you should join any organization with your own free will and satisfaction, not by any kind of force and intimidation.
Under Quiapo Bridge @ Quinta Market
This is the most memorable place where I was held-up by 5 persons
just after this bridge, a few meters away from the Quinta Market
going to Feati University Extension Campus.
   At the same time during my Freshman year, I had experienced to be held-up by a 5 member gang whose supposedly living around Quiapo area. It was a hot noontime after lunch that I have a class on my P.E. subject at the annex building of the school crossing under the bridge 
in-front of Quinta Market in Quiapo, Manila. I was walking on my way when suddenly two guys put their hands on my shoulder while the other placed a pointed object on my side in which I can’t recognized if it was a knife or any material that can harm my body. It was so funny that I still smiled at them knowing that they were my classmates taking jokes on me then suddenly realized it was real. The two boys (teenagers) whispered to me it was a Hold-Up and quickly searched my pockets but got nothing inside. My allowance was there but I don’t know why they have missed it. Instead, they got my new watch (brand:Citizen-automatic) which was a gift from my father during my high school  graduation. After getting my watch, they whispered to me to walk straight without looking back but a few meters away from them, I decided to check them then I learned that they were 5 teenagers pushing a cart filled with scrap or garbage materials. It was during that time I felt terrified and nervous that if I did some moves against them, it was a horrible thing might happened to me. I still attended my P.E. Class then went home directly without going back to the main building for my other subjects and shared the incident at home. Thank you very much Oh Lord for your Saving Power of Life.
          After Freshman in Feati University having a very good grades besides all those bad experiences, I transferred to Adamson University as a Sophomore with the same course wherein all my finished subjects were credited. Fraternity organizations, leftists demonstrations and other political agendas were also happening everywhere but I managed to survive. I met a lot of new friends and people from all walks of life or even different nationalities. I learned how to play with challenges and go with the flow until  I developed myself into a stronger and more mature person. Natural calamities passes through the years and changes were done through anybody’s life. Technologies were becoming more advance and faster than the speed of light. Computer age is now fast approaching. And with all those changes and trials, I finally graduated from college as a BS in Mechanical Engineering and ready to face the world in my own way.