Saturday, May 25, 2013

MY LIFE STORY PART I - In the Beginning

Map of Abra and nearby Provinces
Somewhere in the Northern part of the Philippines where the province of Abra was situated; a little but peaceful barrio in the town of Bangued named Agtangao wherein an adopted cute and healthy little boy lived with his loving known parents. He was born on June 24, 1970. His full name was Florencio Balido Pias and called him “Loring” as his nickname and as he grew older then later called him “Enciong” up to the present. It was in that small barrio where I spent my childhood days up to my teenage years. During my childhood, I have already realized that I was an adopted son and there was one time they introduced my real parents. And that was the time wherein curiosity struck into my mind. I have to dig deeper into it from where I belong then learn to accept what is the real score. In spite of that, I still love my Foster Parents and enjoyed my life with them. I always consider them as my real parents for the fact that my biological mother was a niece of my known father. I don’t have any complains nor doubts because they really treated me as their one and only child. God knows I love them so much until the end of time.
This is now Abra Provinical Hospital where I was born

          In my own way with parent’s consent, I have to leave my province to finish a college career in the Philippine’s Capital City, Manila. I settled free of charge in my beloved aunt’s house together with my Second Cousins (now a certified Doctor and a Nurse) somewhere in Quezon City within more than 5 years. My aunt helped us in terms of financial needs during those college days. She was very kind but highly disciplinarian. She guided us in every moves pertaining to our studies. She was very supportive to every decisions we’ve made in such a way passing through her standard.
Me & My Loving Foster Parents (up)
My Class Picture  with my Beloved Teachers (down)
(AES Teachers, Left to Right; Mrs. Cacho, Miss Bringas, Mrs. Bersamin,
Mr. Ringpis, Mrs. Bringas, Mrs. Belisario, Miss Bigornia and Mrs. Pimentel)
during Grade VI in Agtangao Elementary School.
I was late in going to Manila for any Entrance Examinations to some prestigious schools and universities. I took an entrance test in Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) but the result was not worth for an engineering course, instead, a BS in Commerce. School days were just around the corner and have no time to find another schools. 
My Alma Matters
Divine Word College of Bangued  - High School
Feati University - BSME (1st Year Only)
Adamson University - BSME (graduated)
 Fortunately, Feati University (FU) has no entrance examination during that time  so here I enrolled Freshman with Bachelor of Science  in Mechanical Engineering as my degree. In fairness to the university, it was one of the top universities in the country during the 60’s up to the late 80’s but due to uncontrollable fraternity organizations  associated with rumbles and frequent killings inside the campus then the school reaches to its lowest point. It was then that student population of the school decreases.  
          On the other hand, recruiting neophyte members were openly happening inside and outside university campus to join fraternity organization. And in my case, they encouraged me to join but turned it down several times until to a point of threatening and intimidating me. They often waiting outside my classroom to go with them and meet their fraternity president. I almost giving up but due to my strong determination and faith in the Lord brought me to safety. Everyday before entering the university, I always enter Santa Cruz Church to pray for God's powerful protection and it's worth it.  
Santa Cruz Church - this is the place where I spent
my time before entering Feati University Campus

          It was a big problem for the freshmen like us pressuring to join the organization. Poor students from provinces were primary victims of recruitment whose only purpose is to finish college successfully. Joining such organization was not a problem provided it was recognized by the school and having an objective to develop yourself as a better person. Mostly, you should join any organization with your own free will and satisfaction, not by any kind of force and intimidation.
Under Quiapo Bridge @ Quinta Market
This is the most memorable place where I was held-up by 5 persons
just after this bridge, a few meters away from the Quinta Market
going to Feati University Extension Campus.
   At the same time during my Freshman year, I had experienced to be held-up by a 5 member gang whose supposedly living around Quiapo area. It was a hot noontime after lunch that I have a class on my P.E. subject at the annex building of the school crossing under the bridge 
in-front of Quinta Market in Quiapo, Manila. I was walking on my way when suddenly two guys put their hands on my shoulder while the other placed a pointed object on my side in which I can’t recognized if it was a knife or any material that can harm my body. It was so funny that I still smiled at them knowing that they were my classmates taking jokes on me then suddenly realized it was real. The two boys (teenagers) whispered to me it was a Hold-Up and quickly searched my pockets but got nothing inside. My allowance was there but I don’t know why they have missed it. Instead, they got my new watch (brand:Citizen-automatic) which was a gift from my father during my high school  graduation. After getting my watch, they whispered to me to walk straight without looking back but a few meters away from them, I decided to check them then I learned that they were 5 teenagers pushing a cart filled with scrap or garbage materials. It was during that time I felt terrified and nervous that if I did some moves against them, it was a horrible thing might happened to me. I still attended my P.E. Class then went home directly without going back to the main building for my other subjects and shared the incident at home. Thank you very much Oh Lord for your Saving Power of Life.
          After Freshman in Feati University having a very good grades besides all those bad experiences, I transferred to Adamson University as a Sophomore with the same course wherein all my finished subjects were credited. Fraternity organizations, leftists demonstrations and other political agendas were also happening everywhere but I managed to survive. I met a lot of new friends and people from all walks of life or even different nationalities. I learned how to play with challenges and go with the flow until  I developed myself into a stronger and more mature person. Natural calamities passes through the years and changes were done through anybody’s life. Technologies were becoming more advance and faster than the speed of light. Computer age is now fast approaching. And with all those changes and trials, I finally graduated from college as a BS in Mechanical Engineering and ready to face the world in my own way.


  1. Mttapos ko cgurado bsahin bukas toh hehehe...super dooper haba eh.

  2. hahahaha..part 1 ngayon..bukas part 2..etc... parang teleserye
