Sunday, May 26, 2013


Aluminum Rod Rolling Mill where I started
as a Mechanical Technician
       I was satisfied with my job as a Mechanical / Preventive Maintenance Technician in a Cable Manufacturing Company since it was related to my profession as a Mechanical Engineer.
Mechanical Technician
 I spent my eight years (1996 - 2004) in this company from which I am enjoying the benefits of a regular employee. I became active in Labor Union Organizations as the Secretary of the group. Actually, I hated being a Union Officer but due to companionship and friendly attitude I accepted the position. In spite of that, I successfully did my part as the Secretary from which the Company Management recognized our organization.

 I had lost my professional ambition because as of this time my basic concerns were concentrated as a Union Officer. Sometimes, my work as a Technician of the company suffers due to different priorities whether for the people or for the company. I am lucky that my buddies in the maintenance section were very supportive and understand my situation. During my early years in this company, I've met some friends who understands me while others don’t care. I don’t blame anybody here since no one controlling my own life except me. My life outside the company was still the same up to the middle of 2001. More than half of my body was still in a mud and it seems that I can’t get out of it. I keep on denying every accusations that I’m still a drug user and hiding beyond the truth. By this time, my life was getting worse and friends were starting to leave me. They tried to save me but still don’t care. Due to some issues concerning my personal life, I transferred from apartment to another several times until I finally settled for a Rent-to-Own House by Pag-Ibig Housing Program through the encouragement of a certain trusted friend. In spite of everything, I want a new life but I don’t know still how to start and why I can’t resist the temptations of drugs. Maybe because I’m afraid of being alone since most of my trusted friends were already far away from me. It’s very long way before I realized that I have to end the world of drugs.
Became a Company Labor Union Leader
as Union Secretary
Until one day, I rise up from a good sleep and found myself changing my clothes for whatever reasons that I have volunteered myself to go to an early morning mass. It was clear that time in my mind that the game is over. I have to end my darkest days before it’s too late. So then, this was the start of my new life.
         After this event, an election of officers for the Company Employees Credit Cooperative was being conducted from where I participated as a candidate (Board Member) but I was not lucky. Then, the operation continues until the Chairman of the Board was forced to resign due to Union Issues against the Company and banned in entering the company premises. The Coop. operation was disrupted and approval of loans were delayed. In that case the General Membership decided to replace the Chairman of the Board through another election. Then, I filed my candidacy as the Chairman of the Board. This time most of my friends were in doubt due to my personal history. They were afraid that I cannot handle the organization but I firmly stand on my decision. There were some against but due to my influence as a Union Secretary I got the position and won the election. From then on, my darkest hour was getting brighter every day. And this time, I concentrated on the operation of both the Union and Cooperative as well as the function of a Mechanical Technician. I admit there were still some temptations but I am now learning to resist. My life was starting to move on and the Cooperative was getting stronger when suddenly the Management decided to close the company due to severe losses as have been declared. Likewise, the union and employee’s cooperative automatically dissolved. My supposed start of a new life suddenly freeze due to unexpected closure of our company.
          Life must go on and find another job. All my friends and employees of the company go on separate ways. Some tried their luck abroad and others stayed to serve the country. From April 2004 to December 2006, I worked from different companies as a Mechanical Technician (Electronics Company), Maintenance Foreman (Japanese Company), Warehouse Supervisor (Stainless Steel Company) and Maintenance Shop Supervisor (Forklift-TCM Trading Company). I have found a new world, new experiences and met another circle of friends with those companies but nothing improve in my life except getting away with drugs. At this time, at least I’m living in a drug free community. Being a drug free person was already a big change in my life but this time I was financially down. I am still paying my cash advances to some of my friends as well as my monthly amortization of my house. From the last quarter of 2006 to the first quarter of 2007 was the most financial crisis ever happened to me. I experienced here eating from the house of my friends almost every day. I resigned from my last job December 2006 due to unfair treatment of my manager. During this time, I decided to apply abroad and finally hired by Saudi Cable Company in Jeddah, KSA due to help and full support of my closest friends. I applied as a Mechanical Technician and hired but  when I arrived I was assigned as a Project Engineer under the Mechanical and Utility Section.
          My heartfelt thanks to some of my trusted friends who never gave up and help me all through the years of never ending challenges in my life. And during those days, I enjoyed my work in Saudi Arabia and start my life all over again. 
         Now, all I can say; "If there's a will, there's a way and don't be afraid of turning back to HIM. He knows what is best for us. God gave us trials just to test our faith. Just always remember that He is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE."

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